Help required - Safari and Google search error

I am hoping that someone on the internets may be wise and benevolent enough to help with a problem I am having with Safari and Google Search. I am currently using Mac OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4) - every time that I try to do a search using (or search using google in the address bar) I get an ERROR 403 (Forbidden)!!1 message.
Here is a screenshot (and below it is some of the technical data). Does anyone have an idea what the problem may be and how I could fix it? By the way I have had this problem since upgrading to Lion some time ago, and each time that I 'restore' the contents of my Hard Drive onto a new computer it follows me...
Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks, Dion

By the way, I have an idea of what may be causing the problem. It has something to do with the user agent script in Safari. When I enable the developer menu and choose a different user agent script my search results work fine. However, each time that I open a new window, or restart Safari, it reverts back to the old user agent script.
I found this post on OS X Hints which I am going to try! I'll keep you posted!

OK, so the mystery has been solved and resolved! Wonderful!
Here's what I did.
First, enable the Developer menu in Safari - see this post for instructions.
Second, choose a new user agent (in my case I simply wanted Safari). Go to 'Develop', and then 'User Agent' in the drop down menu and choose what you want.
Third, navigate to
That will give you the text string for your user agent - since I am using Safari, mine is:
Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1
Fourth, close Safari and then go to the Finder and choose 'Go' and paste the following ~/Library/Preferences/
Right click on that file ( and open it in Binary text editor - I use BBedit.
Fifth, find the user agent string in the plist file and replace what you find there with the user agent string you want to use (naturally I used the one above).
Sixth, save your edited file in its original location.
Viola! Launch Safari and you are good to go! I hope that helps! It took me two years to figure this out!