Has your 3G iPad stopped working on Vodacom (firmware iOS 4.2.1)?

I've had quite a few people contact me about the problem described above.
It is quite easy to solve. It would seem that with the firmware upgrade the cellular data APN is deleted or changed.
So, all that you need to do is:
1. Go to 'Settings'.
2. Choose 'Cellular Data' on the top left.
3. Select 'APN settings' on the right.
4. Then under the APN heading delete any text that is there and replace it with the word: internet
5. Please notices that internet has a lowercase 'i', simply leave 'Username' and 'Password' blank.
6. Then simply scroll back in the setting menu using the arrows at the top (that saves your settings) and exit settings to the home screen.
7. Now I would suggest that you reset your iPad and it should connect again.
I hope that helps!
Reader Comments (6)
Thank you - I found this after I upgraded to IOS 5, and it worked perfectly!
Ah great! So glad it helped. iOS 5 is a very worthwhile upgrade.
Ipad1 struggling to get any 3G connectivity since ios5. Tried various carriers and a lenghty unproductive visit to the istore. Any suggestions?
Thanks, the exercise above worked perfectly!
Great! Glad it helped.
Hi, having the same problem now after upgrading to ios7. tried the above but it doesn't work. did a full restore and thereafter it worked for 1 day but stopped. Now still unable to get 3G. Any advice please?