Steve Jobs dies - prayer and reflection

This morning I awoke in Malaysia (I am here for a conference) to hear that Steve Jobs, the co founder of the Apple corporation had died during the night at the young age of 56.
I spent some of my quiet time this morning praying for him and for his family. I would like to encourage you to do the same. Of course there will be many who are critical of Steve Jobs. However, in this time of sorrow let's ask God to bring blessing, healing and grace to his wife, children, family, friends and colleauges.
There is little doubt that this man has left an indellible mark on recent history! I was struck by how much he had achieved in his young life. In part my decision to 'buy out' some of my time to retun to academic work and consultancy arose out of a journey to use my limited time on earth wisely.
I remember sharing this video (well worth watching!) of Steve Jobs speaking at the Stanford University Graduation with my Forum group and saying that the time has come for me to make some bold choices, even to take a risk, in order to move closer to God's purpose for my life. And of course the courage to spend your life well begins with choice of how to spend your minutes and your hours.
Watch the video here when you get a chance.
So, I am reminded of the words of the Psalmist:
The length of our days is seventy years - or eighty, if we have strength... for they quickly pass, and we fly away... Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90.10,12
May the Lord give you grace to know how to spend your hours and your days. As Gretchen Ruben said so aptly, "While the days are long, the years are short".
Rich blessing from Malaysia,
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