A reflection on being a Christian in the world economic crisis

This morning I was struck by the news on the riots, unrest, protests and unhappiness at the world economic situation.
In this video I reflect on what I believe a Christian response should be to the economic, social and political inequalities in the world.
I would love to hear your thoughts. By the way, you can find out about the gini coefficient here. Also, in the video I made mention of the book '44 sermons to serve the present age' - I accidentally said that my friend Lisa Withrow was the editor (while she contributed it was in fact Dr Angela Shier-Jones who edited the book. Sorry for fumbling that one Angie! Jetlag brain!)
God bless from Malaysia!

It was with great sadness that I learnt that Angie (Dr Angela Shier-Jones) passed away just in September. This news is such sad news. Angie had been struggling against cancer.
I remember a great conversation we shared last year when I was in the UK. We were on the train after a meeting at LEAT and we were talking about dissease and faith. The topic of our conversation centered around a special edition of the Epworth Review of which Angie was the editor for which I had written an article on being Christian in an HIV+ world. As always her input was deeply challenging, a magnificent theological mind matched only by her pastoral heart!
Thanks for sharing the news of her passing with me Jenny. I am deeply saddened by the news of her death. However, I can only imagine what she is doing in heaven!
Here are two wonderful memorial posts I would encourage you to take a look at. Each of them gives a wonderful insight into one of the great Methodist theologians of our age.
- In Memoriam of Angela Shier-Jones from PMPhillips
- In Memroy of Angela Shier-Jones from Listen : Think : Act :
Indeed, Lord, thank you for the gift of your daughter Angela. Teach me to number my days correctly that I may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90.12).
I will also put this follow up post into a seperate post.
Reader Comments (2)
Thanks Dr. Forster for this good word. I appreciate your encouragement for prayer and reflection. This is greatly needed. Keep up the great work. I am now following you on Twitter and your blog.
May the Lord bless you and your family.
Thanks so much CH.
I appreciate the encouragement.
Rich blessing from Hong Kong!