Giving thanks for the life of the Rev Dr Angela Shier-Jones

It was with great sadness that I learnt that Angie (Dr Angela Shier-Jones) passed away in September this year. This is such sad news. Angie had been struggling against cancer.
I remember a great conversation we shared last year when I was in the UK. We were on the train after a meeting at LEAT and we were talking about dissease and faith. The topic of our conversation centered around a special edition of the Epworth Review of which Angie was the editor for which I had written an article on being Christian in an HIV+ world. As always her input was deeply challenging, a magnificent theological mind matched only by her pastoral heart!
Thanks for sharing the news of her passing with me Jenny. I am deeply saddened by the news of her death. However, I can only imagine what she is doing in heaven!
Here are two wonderful memorial posts I would encourage you to take a look at. Each of them gives a wonderful insight into one of the great (Methodist) theologians of our age.
- In Memoriam of Angela Shier-Jones from PMPhillips
- In Memroy of Angela Shier-Jones from Listen : Think : Act :
Indeed, Lord, thank you for the gift of your daughter Angela. Teach me to number my days correctly that I may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90.12).
Reader Comments (1)
The disease is one of the most important fields of medicine, yet it’s devilishly complex and there’s too much information for any single practitioner to keep up with.