Another thought on mystery, faith, and certainty...

From time to time I feel a little uneasy when I can't quite 'get my head' around the nature, person and will, of God! God is sometimes mysterious, always powerful and loving. At times I struggle to understand why bad things happen to good people, and why bad things go unpunished!
It has been some time since I have had the opportunity to devote more than a few hours to researching, debating, and praying about the important issue of the Christian faith and persons with a same sex orientation.
I still serve on the Methodist Church of Southern Africa's (MCSA) Doctrine Ethics and Worship Commission (DEWCOM), and so I was invited, together with a host of colleauges, to participate in a two day conference on civil unions and the Church's response to the same sex debate. The Conference of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa asked that the DEWCOM reconsider our stance of 'radical' unity on this matter.
The MCSA adopted a courageous stance in 2005 when we affirmed that we would remain one and unidivided as a Church, even if members of the Church did not fully agree with one another on all matters. Wessel Bentley and I wrote that statement, together with Rev. Prof. Neville Richardson - you can follow some of the documents here.
It was wonderful to pray together, to study the scriptures, and to seek to find a position that is both Christ honouring, just, and that can be held with integrity by persons from various sides of this debate.
Tomorrow we'll continue with our work. By Thursday we hope to have something constructive to forward to our Bishops for consideration. Please pray for us as we engage in this critical work.
Angus Kelly and I have been recording the Audio, we will make it available for download in MP3 format for anyone who is interested in listening to the Bible studies, debates, and discussions.
By the way, I have also just submitted a chapter I was asked to write for a UNISA ethics textbook on the subject of the the Bible, ethics and the same sex debate. As soon as it is published I'll let you know!
Here's a great way to beat London's congestion charge! Get a car that looks like kids toy! These two little cars were parked in a single parking bay! Amazing! Does anybody know what make this is? It wouldn't stand a chance on the wide open motorways of South Africa!
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The following quote moved me:
I have the joy of serving on the hosting committee, and also serve on the world Theological committee. It is such a joy to see things fitting together for this wonderful event. My particular inputs relate to the logistics and arrangements (of course). However, on the theological committe I have input on the African and two-thirds world perspective, African theologies, liberation theologies and also the 'emerging' movement conversation.
So, the new Macbooks have landed indeed! They're something of a strange mix between the stylings of the new iMac (metal finish with black plastic) and the Macbook Air (thin screen, LED backlit, same black keyboard... Just a thicker base that can accomodate an internal optical drive and all the ports and hard drive space your heart desires!)
All in all I like the new look! I won't be giving up my Macbook Air anytime soon - it is thinner, lighter, has better battery life (and I still owe money on it!) - but for those who've been holding out for a new Mac (or a new notebook for that matter) these are sure to be a hit!
Just a word of caution, I would suggest that you hold of buying the firt generations, Apple has not been all that good with 1st generation products of late... Also, some advice, you may be able to pick up a superb Macbook Pro or Macbook (both 'old style of course') for next to nothing in the weeks to come as the shops try to dump their stock! So, keep your eyes and ears open!
Follow this link for a great, succint, review of the new Macbooks.
How incredible is this!? A friend told me that I had been nominated as the US President, and that I may just win the race!!
Click HERE to watch the video...
Heck, I don't stand a chance ;-)
It's that time of the year again! I have been getting quite a lot of prayer requests and notes from persons who are writing exams, so I thought I would post a few words of encouragement for all students who are doing exams and assessments, and point you to the link where you are welcome to download a free copy of my little prayer book for examinations. It is an 'open source' publication, so feel free to copy it, print it, change it, or use it in whatever way you feel comfortable. Could I simply ask that you share some feedback or improvements if you have any?
It has Bible verses and prayers that will offer you hope, encouragement, and comfort. Please feel free to share it with anyone who would like a copy!
A friend of mine made a comment the other day that has stuck in my mind. He pointed out that so frequently we pray for revival and for persons in our communities, cities, and nation, to come to know the saving and healing love of Christ. We encourage our pastors and our church members to take the work of evangelization seriously, we run outreaches to the young people in our schools, we prepare and plan Alpha courses for the adults, yet somehow we don't truly believe that these would be of any effect...