Encouragement and prayers for all students who are doing exams!

It's that time of the year again! I have been getting quite a lot of prayer requests and notes from persons who are writing exams, so I thought I would post a few words of encouragement for all students who are doing exams and assessments, and point you to the link where you are welcome to download a free copy of my little prayer book for examinations. It is an 'open source' publication, so feel free to copy it, print it, change it, or use it in whatever way you feel comfortable. Could I simply ask that you share some feedback or improvements if you have any?
Preparing for, and writing, your examinations can be a cause for some concern and stress! I want to remind you that you are not alone as you prepare and write your exams.
Of course you need to remember that God, who has a great plan for your life, is with you as you prepare, and as you write. Then there are your family and friends who are praying for you. It is also worth remembering that you have sisters and brothers who are experiencing similar anxieties and concerns as you do, so remember to pray for one another. Lastly, I would like to assure you that I remember you, and all students, in my prayers. If you would like a special or specific prayer please drop me a line on email. I would love to be able to pray for you.
Another point to remember is that these examinations are a marker on your journey towards achieving the plan that God has for your life. Each of us has a responsibility to offer God, and God's world, our very best! So, it is important that you take your studies very seriously (not just to get good marks, but also to be the best disciple of Jesus that you can be)! As with everything that you choose to do for God's honour and glory, there will be temptations and obstacles. So, guard against wasting your time. Make sure to plan your study and revision time carefully. Sleep well before your exams, and do some light exercise to keep your mind sharp and active.
May God bless you richly as you prepare, and write, your examinations!
Rev Dr Dion Forster
Please feel free to download a little copy of my prayer booklet here:
It has Bible verses and prayers that will offer you hope, encouragement, and comfort. Please feel free to share it with anyone who would like a copy!
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