DEWCOM same sex and civil union conference.

It has been some time since I have had the opportunity to devote more than a few hours to researching, debating, and praying about the important issue of the Christian faith and persons with a same sex orientation.
I still serve on the Methodist Church of Southern Africa's (MCSA) Doctrine Ethics and Worship Commission (DEWCOM), and so I was invited, together with a host of colleauges, to participate in a two day conference on civil unions and the Church's response to the same sex debate. The Conference of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa asked that the DEWCOM reconsider our stance of 'radical' unity on this matter.
The MCSA adopted a courageous stance in 2005 when we affirmed that we would remain one and unidivided as a Church, even if members of the Church did not fully agree with one another on all matters. Wessel Bentley and I wrote that statement, together with Rev. Prof. Neville Richardson - you can follow some of the documents here.
It was wonderful to pray together, to study the scriptures, and to seek to find a position that is both Christ honouring, just, and that can be held with integrity by persons from various sides of this debate.
Tomorrow we'll continue with our work. By Thursday we hope to have something constructive to forward to our Bishops for consideration. Please pray for us as we engage in this critical work.
Angus Kelly and I have been recording the Audio, we will make it available for download in MP3 format for anyone who is interested in listening to the Bible studies, debates, and discussions.
By the way, I have also just submitted a chapter I was asked to write for a UNISA ethics textbook on the subject of the the Bible, ethics and the same sex debate. As soon as it is published I'll let you know!
Reader Comments (4)
I look forward to reading your chapter.
Has DEWCON ever considered the possibility of asking that the Marriaqge Act be repealed entirely, and asking the state to get out of the marriage business altogether?
Thanks so much for this update, Dion, from people like me who would have loved to have been there, but couldn't. I've submitted my Masters research proposal which I'm hoping to do on same sex marriage and how the decision to formalise the relationship through marriage affects relationships with others, including the church. Might like to chat with you further. Keep up the good work!
Hi Steve,
Indeed, this is one of the suggestions on the table! We had Professor Lee Ann de la Hunt (spelling?) from Home Affairs with us yesterday and suggested that this should happen.
Of course she reminded us that what we are doing by being 'marriage officers' is making things easier for the people we serve (i.e., in some areas there are no officials, or the officers are not helpful or well trained...) If all minsters were to withdraw from registering marriages and civil unions it would make it extremely difficult for most of the rural-poor citizens of our nation.
It's a tough debate. But, rest assured, it is on the agenda!