World Prayer Assembly in Jakarta Indonesia

I leave for Jakarta (via Dubai) in a few minutes.
This time I will be at the World Prayer Assembly - a very special global gathering of Christians from across the planet (about 6000 or so). See for details
I have the privilege of having 3 speaking slots at the conference (all around poverty and corruption / ethics), and a slot on the Global Day of Prayer studio broadcast on the 17th of May on GodTV.
At this conference I'll representing the work of our 'EXPOSED - Shining a light on corruption' campaign (see for more), and the Unashamedly Ethical movement (see for details).
Please could I ask for your prayers for this journey and work? My desire is to activate many more Christians and Christian movements for God's work of justice and mercy.
Please also pray for Megie, Courtney and Liam at home. I miss them already!
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