The mission of the Church and the world.

I have been rediscovering Leslie Newbigin - this quote from him is wonderful! He captures the evangelical responsibility of Christians and the Church beautifully. The person and ways, and will, of Christ brings healing, wholeness and blessing to every sphere of life.
We have to call all people to come this way with us, for we shall not know the full glory of Jesus until the day when every tongue shall confess him. And we do not know the fullness of what the service of Jesus means until we have struggled to bring all the manifold works of learning and industry and politics and the arts into obedience to him. So mission is not a one-way promotion but a two-way encounter in which we learn more of what the gospel means. We are learning as we go. This is the only way we affirm that the gospel is not just “true for us” but true for all. The missionary action of the Church is the exegesis of the Gospel.- Lesslie Newbigin, Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth pp34-35.
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