A last ride in Paradise before heading to the USA!

Yesterday I had an absolutely stunning mountain bike ride on Lourensford with the Cycle Addiction club. We are blessed with amazing riding here!
Tomorrow I head to the United States to participate in a significant Christian business conference (where the 8 Millennium Development Goals will be the central discussion points - so thankful that they have taken this important discussion on board!) The Church must learn to engage business if we are to be God's agents of renewal and transformation in the world. We can halve global poverty by 2015 if we each just do our bit to witness, advocate and act on behalf of the poor.
In many cases Nation States are no longer the most influential and powerful regional influencers. This quote from Lesley Newbigin made sense in this regard:
[W]e may well be coming to the end of the era of the sovereign nation-state as we have known it for the past three centuries. Economic, financial, and technical forces have created a global system that is far more powerful than most existing states. The secular powers shaping human life are increasingly transnational If the Church is to speak the truth to Caesar, it is these powers that must be more and more in our sights.
— Leslie Newbigin, Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth p89
After Orlando I head to New York for some meetings regarding EXPOSED (see the EXPOSED2013 tab at the top for more information regarding this corruption and poverty project). I will be at the United Nations meeting some friends in the UNDP and also at the Salvation Army meeting Christine MacMillan, their general in charge of social justice initiatives. I will also be at Redeemer and a few other significant meetings.
Please pray for me (and for my family back home)! I get back on 3 May and then head off to Indonesia on the 12th of May. So it is a little hectic with travel at the moment. Skype is a wonderful blessing to stay in touch with Megie, Courtney and Liam. But I always miss them so much!!! My goodness, these three people truly do occupy my life! I am already filled with a little sadness at having to leave.
As for cycling - I will dream of the trails of Cape Town! But, keep an eye on my twitter and facebook feeds. You'll see me doing some running!
Please follow @EXPOSED2013 on twitter.com and on facebook at http://on.fb.me/exposed2013
God bless,

Reader Comments (2)
Nice ....Nice ....Nice ....Nice ....Nice ....
Its No Secret
Its No Secret. It’s No Secret that God’s Law of Attraction operates on and above the physical plane. James Patrick Watson credits the Law of Attraction to God and reveals this using verses in the Bible. It is about expressing gratitude for blessings, the direct result of understanding and using this most important of God’s Laws. Watson saw the possibility of this book when he read Rhonda Byrne’s “The Secret”–it revealed the need to make Christians realize that the Law of Attraction is in the Bible itself and that God expects every Christian to appreciate and use it.
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