Cover the Night! Cape Town's Kony2012 event - a short video

My friend Shane Vermooten (@just_shane) made this great little video of some of us participating in Cape Town's Kony2012 'Cover the night' advocacy event.
Megie, Courtney, Liam and I went through to the City for the evening, met up with some others, and helped put up the Kony2012 posters. See the video here:
There has been quite a lot of debate about the approach that Kony2012 has taken - i.e., to make Josephy Kony (the leader of the LRA) so famous that he has to be scrutinised and arrested for his horrific crimes in Southern Sudan and Northern Uganda.
I feel that it is important to hold onto the fact that our liberty is interdependent. We share a common humanity, and as a Christian, I believe that God holds us responsible for one another. We are all His children (some who know him and some who don't). We cannot be free while others are in bondage.
So, we did our bit! It was also a wonderful opportunity to introduce our kids to the world of 'advocacy i.e., acting and speaking for those who find it difficult or impossible to do so for themselves. We spoke to them about Uganda (where I have just been), the kids who are being killed, captured and maimed, and said that we can do something small that can help to make their lives better.
Let's pray that the little slogan comes to pass - 'Keep Calm and Catch Kony!' - Cover the Night took place all over the globe on 20 April 2012. This was our Cape Town contribution.
You'll see Megan, Courtney, Liam and I in this video above.
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