Update on Courtney 23 September 2010 morning

Hi friends,
Just to give you a quick update on Courts.
We had a good restful evening at the hospital last night. We talked, prayed, played games (just about everything BUT sleep). It was good father / daughter time)!
She went into theatre at 7.30 this morning. She was very brave. Megie and I, not so much.
The doctor says the operation will take about 3 hours. I'm not sure when we will get the results from the biopsy of the tumor. I'll let you know once we hear anything.
She will go into ICU for a day or two.
Unfortunately they have to shave quite a lot of her head. I've promised her that if they shave her head I will do the same - so you may see me with a 'poena' next week ;-)
Well friends, thanks so much for the prayers and care. We'll keep you updated on any news we receive.
God is indeed good! His mercy is new every morning, it never comes to an end (Lam 3.21-26).
God bless,
Dion, Megie, Courtney and Liam
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks for the update Dion! We are thinking of you and praying that everything goes as it should!!! Keep strong! Big Loves to Meggie!
She will look better than you with a shaved head - well, she always looks better than you! :)
Hang in there - can't be easy for you all - and for her! Lots of love!
God will give you all the strength you need! God bless! In my prayers and thoughts and thanx for the updates.
Still praying! Keep on keeping on and never take your eyes off Him!