Courtney's surgery is confirmed for 7.30 on the 23rd of September

Courtney's surgery is confirmed for 7.30AM tomorrow morning (23 September 2010).
Please could we ask for your prayers for her, the surgeon (Dr. Wessels), and all of the nursing and support staff at the hospital.
Please also pray for Megan, little Liam and I. We relying on God's goodness and grace.
I will spend the night with her at the hospital - we're going to relax, pray, watch a few movies, and enjoy our time together!
Please forgive us if we don't respond to emails, SMS's, phone calls or emails - we have received so many calls and messages that it is not possible to respond to all of them. So sorry! We'll check in here and on facebook as time allows.
My friend @Cois sent me the following verse from the Message (Matthew 6:34) - it is very encouraging indeed:
“Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. A Simple Guide for Behavior”
Reader Comments (2)
All the best! we will be praying for peace over yor special time with Courtney tonight. The Lord is great and will protect your family.
God Bless
I just wanted to say, rest assured, your daughter is in most capable hands... Dr Wessels is a brilliant neurosurgeon. (My Mother was operated by him just last year and when complications (unforeseen) set in, and with it, panic in and amongst of the family, he was tireless working to see her through and back to good health). But there is an even better assurance: She is in the hands of the Great Physician, Jehovah-rapha, the God who heals (Ex 15:26). And He will not fail to see her (and the rest of you) through!
Our blessings, prayers and intentions are with you at this time.
(From a regular blog reader)