The South African Police Services are spamming me!

Yup, that heading is correct! The South African Police Services sent me spam today. I was sitting in a meeting when my iPhone alerted me to an incoming text message. Here's what I saw -
Indeed, it is a text message from the SAPS letting me (and I assume countless others) know that if we have any illegal firearms we can hand them in before 11 April.
I am quite happy to see the police being so proactive about crime, and so clever about reaching into the community. I do wonder how may drug lords, criminals, and other illegal firearm owners will respond to a text message. It may just be good marketting (showing good, law abiding, citizens like me that they are being pro-active!)
Regardless, I was spammed by the Police and I like it! Did anyone else get this message? Has anyone phoned the Pretoria telephone number that is listed in the message? If you do phone it please let me know what happens!
Reader Comments (1)
I got it to. I had a similar reaction.