Is it possible to be a Christian and not do anything about HIV / AIDS?

Did you know that a child is orphaned every 14 seconds because of HIV / AIDS? Did you know that 33 million people across the world at HIV+. 23 million of those people live in Southern Africa.
Sadly, the Christian Church has not risen to the challenge to be an agent of comfort, hope and life in this very sad situation. Partly I think it is because we lack a positive theology of for an HIV+ world. In a recent chapter that I wrote for a book entitled 'Alienation and Connection' (edited by Lisa Withrow and Joerg Rieger, Lexington books, 2010. My chapter is entitled 'Empire, apathy and economics: Reflections on being Christian in an HIV+ world') I argued that there are 4 different approaches to HIV AIDS in Christendom.
- Some say that AIDS is not an issue. This view is common in Western countries, and regions of the world where HIV infection is not very high.
- Some say that AIDS is a punishment from God. This view is fundamentally wrong!
- Some say that the Church should 'care for' HIV+ persons (as if the Church is free from AIDS while others outside of the Church have AIDS and require care). This is a paternalistic approach to HIV positive persons.
- Finally, there are those who have come to realise that the Church has AIDS! We are all in this together and we have a responsibility to care for one another, as we should care for ourselves.
What is your view on AIDS? What do you think God's perspective is on a world where children are infected through their parents? Or what is God's view of the HIV positive person who contracted the disease through a poor sexual choice? Your theological perspective will shape your ministry! It is important to work out what you believe, and what you should believe, about this disease.
Please take a few minutes to watch this incredible video from TED. Thanks to my friend Jon Hirst for pointing me to this great video resource. Please could I also encourage you to visit the Lausanne World Pulse for some great articles on Christianity and HIV/AIDS?
Here is the blurb about the incredible statistics:
In this talk at the TED conference in Feb. 2009, Hans Rosling explains the HIV epidemic.
He converts the best available data from UNAIDS and WHO into understandable Gapminder bubbles.
The two key messages are that the global HIV epidemic has reached a “steady state” with 1% of the adult world population infected and that there are huge differences in HIV occurrence between and within African countries. Many African countries have the same, relatively low, HIV levels as can be found in most of the world, whereas 50% of the world’s HIV infected persons live in a few countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (with 4% of the world population).
Hans Rosling closes his speech by summarizing probable reasons for the high HIV burden in parts of Eastern and Southern Africa and he also claims that the focus must be on preventing further HIV transmission in these highly affected populations.
So, let me ask this question - is it possible to be truly Christian and do nothing about HIV AIDS?
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