iPad in South Africa - Vodacom and MTN 3G sim card conversion to microsim

UPDATE 4 January 2013 - If you are looking for the instructions for converting your regular sim, or micro sim, to a nano sim you can see my new post (with a very handy PDF for measuring and cutting) here.
Original Post
I am the very fortunate owner of an Apple iPad - unfortunately mine is not a 3G version. You can read about my iPad here, and watch a video of how I use it here.
However, I do have a few friends who have bought 3G iPad's in America and Hong Kong.
The amazing thing is that the iPad is not carrier locked (unlike the early iPhones that were locked to AT&T - my iPhone 3GS is a US version that has been unlocked for use on MTN in South Africa). But, back to the iPad 3G. With the three iPad's that I have got working on 3G in South Africa it was a simple as putting in a 3G sim card.
But... There is one problem! Micro-sim cards are quite rare in South Africa. I have heard that Vodacom has some in stock (that one can purchase), and I'm sure that MTN must also have some now (since they have been advertising that they'll also be selling the iPhone 4 which uses this smaller sim card).
So, what to do if you want your 3G iPad to run on a South African Network? Well, it's quite simple actually:
DISCLAIMER: Do this at your own risk! This is merely an outline of how I did it on a few iPads, your results may vary.
1. Get a regular sim card (you can either purchase a prepaid sim card - which costs just R1 from Vodacom, and I would suggest Vodacom for pre-paid data since it is so easy to load data at a cheaper cost).
2. Resize the sim card to fit the iPad's microsim slot. I'll have a few photos to show you how to do this below.
3. Pop in your sim card and you're up and running!
Resizing your regular Vodacom (or MTN) sim card to fit your 3G iPad:
1. Find the sim card slot in your iPad (it is on the bottom left of the iPad). Open it with a paperclip.
2. Use a piece of paper to 'trace' the internal ridge of the micro-sim holder (I used a post-it note). Simply place the paper over the sim card holder and run your fingernail or some other hard surface over the internal ridge of the holder. It will leave an imprint on the paper.
3. Next, cut your paper stencil to size.
4. Next, you'll need some 'Prestik' (not sure what it is called elsewhere in the world), the sticky stuff on the left of this picture. Simply stick your stencil onto your sim card and get ready to cut!
5. Next, line up the contacts from your regular sized sim card underneath the microsim holder. NB, please note in my picture below the sim card should be moved about 2mm to the LEFT (to ling up the contacts). See the image below this one with more description.
5.a. Please see the image (from my friend Paul) of a microsim. You'll notice on the microsim that the 'golden contacts' are more or less centrally located to fit into the sim card holder. As long as you get the central 3 contacts lined into the centre of the holder you're fine. When you put the card in, if it says 'No Sim' you know that the contacts have not lined up...
6. Next, paste your stencil onto your sim card using the prestik, and cut carefully! Don't worry about cutting through the outer gold contacts... As long as the three central contacts are in tact you're perfect!
7. Once you've done your first cut you may need to do some slight tweaking in order to fit the sim into the holder.
Here's a photo of the sim in the microsim holder.
8. Finally, slip your sim, in the microsim holder, into the iPad - within a few seconds you should see the 'signal indicator' on the top left hand corner of the iPad indicating either Vodacom 3G or the E (for Edge if your outside of a 3G area).
So, I hope this helps! Feel free to drop me a comment or a mail if I you get stuck. I'm not always able to respond right away (my day job does keep me rather busy!), but I'll respond as soon as I'm able.
Further to my instructions you can also watch this video http://allabouttheipad.tumblr.com/post/729237325/converting-a-sim-to-a-micro-sim-for-the-ipad

If you are looking for the instructions for converting your regular sim, or micro sim, to a nano sim you can see my new post (with a very handy PDF for measuring and cutting) here.
Reader Comments (49)
i have a sim card cutter which works like a bomb. i simply put 'normal' simcard in and press. it cuts it out perfectly. i'm in cape town.
Sven, I'm also in Cape Town, I just got my iPhone 4 and I'm struggling to find a Micro sim. Any chance of letting em know where you got that Sim Card cutter, or would you be willing to mod my sim card for me at a fee?
Dawie, it is really very easy to do yourself! Plus the cost of a replacement sim is so cheap if by some small chance you make a mistake. I'd suggest you watch the video and follow my instructions and try it yourself before spending money.
Maybe a blonde moment - but do you have to have a 3g ipad in order to access 3g through Vodacom using a microsim in the ipad? I really keen to get one, but really not sure if I can get good use out of in in SA compared to the USA.
So after re-reading the page I see that this refers specifically to the iPad 3G. I still can't decide if it is worth getting. I watched your video, Dion, and you explain so well how it can be used. Just one other question - can you link it up with a projector/screen of some sort? You mentioned that it can be connected to a VGA or RCA device - I'm not a techno wizz like you, hence all the questions. It is just nice to have a South African view point.
Hi Belinda,
Please see the email that I sent you this morning. I use my iPad for PowerPoint presentations and videos all the time. It works very well. But you will need to buy a VGA adaptor.
God bless,
Yes, you will need a 3G iPad to use it without wifi.
God bless,
Nice info about the sim card. Question: If i buy an Ipad via Amazon and it is delivered via DHL what is the approximate tax that will be added? I cannot really see this on the Amazon site, I intend to purchase 64GB 3G WiFi model?
i have a brand new, never used iPad for you, none 3G, 16GIG, with books and invoice for warranty till Oct 2011. why non 3G, cause you will use it 95% of the time at home and work where you will have wifi. i want 5700 for it. having shipped one via amazon will not work as amazon is not allowed to sell apple outside of the country..
Hi Dries,
I paid about R800 on my iPad (cost of the device was just on R500), so work on 18-20% to be safe.
Hi Sven,
Thanks for the comment. But, please don't spam my site.
Your price is too high. I sold my 16 gig wifi iPad for R4500.
Also, Amazon does sell to South Africa they just won't deliver via regular mail. You have to use FedEx (that's how I got my first iPad). Did you read the post?
Iit is a mistake to think you'll only use it at home. I mostly use mine at the office and when I travel. The mifi was very important for 3G connectivity. The 3G iPad I have now is even better.
My advice, don't buy a wifi only iPad. Sven, to sell yours you may wish to consider dropping your price.
PS Dries my reply above should read R3500 not R500.
Hi guys
2 questions: will the 64G 3G & wi-fi Ipad work in SA if I buy in the USA?
Will the new Iphone bought in the US work in SA?
Will appreciate you help
Hi Fanie,
The 3G 64gig iPad will work without any problems in SA. When you get it back just put a microsim into it (bought from any Vodacom or MTN store in most cities). My iPad is a US version running on both Vodacom and MTN (depending on which sim card I put in). Worked straight out the box!
The iPhone 4 WILL NOT work unless you manage to jailbreak it and unlock it! Be warned, as of the time of this reply that is not possible! Simply stated AT&T in the US is very careful to ensure that their phones can't be used on other carriers - so they lock them down tightly. I have little doubt someone will unlock and crack iOS 4.2.1, but it may be some time.
My advice, buy an iPhone 4 in South Africa from junkmail or gumtree. There are lots for sale and you should be able to get one for a similar price to what you pay in the US. Many folks get them as contract upgrades on Vodacom and MTN and prefer the money to the phone.
Hope that helps!
Hi B,
No, no need to jailbreak. Unlike the iphone it simply works!
You may need to change tour APN to internet - but that's all.
Hi! I'll from the US and will be in Cape Town for the summer and am trying to find the best ways for me to stay in touch with family while I'm there. Would you mind clarifying this: I can use an ipad there, but will need to get a microsim card in Cape Town (and I assume they are relatively easy to find and using the ipad that way would not be excessively expensive?)? Thank you!
Hi Mimi,
You're correct on all counts. You purchase a MicroSim from any Vodacom store (the Waterfront will probably be best if you're in Cape Town). Here's a tip - when you purchase 'airtime' explicitly ask to purchase data airtime (not just regular voice calling airtime). If you're only using the MicroSim in your iPad and not for voice calla you'll find that purchasing data is much cheaper than purchasing regular airtime and using it for data.
Best regards - enjoy Cape Town! I love living here!
Hi there.
I would like to know if I get a IPhone from the UK would it be working in SA (Vodacom).
I also see that you get a UK & EU listed Iphone in the UK.
Will both be working?
Thank you
Hi there - will the iphone from the UK work in SA? I see on the UK Apple site you get a UK & EU version. Any idea if it will work here in SA? Got my Ipad WI FI & 3g! Its awesome and works 200%
Great to read your info. I am coming from Tennessee, USA to Joburg. I spoke with AT&T and Appel today on the same topic. They did not really tell what to do for using my Ipad 16g 3G there. Then one the guy who always unlock my USA GSM phone did confirm what you just said that, Ipad will work fine. They just came up with Ipad 2 by appel today. It will be ready by March 11. My question to you: Are there many Micro chip (SIM CARD) now or I still need to bring a tool to cut the regular SIM one?
Hi I am not very technological, and was wondering how do you load money on to the prepaid sim? I got a normal sim and micro chiped it myself... but i havent put airtime on it and dont know how to?
Please help
Hi, will the Ipad 2 be network blocked or will it also work in South Africa?
Hi Leoni,
Thanks for the comment. I'm afraid that we don't know yet. We'll have to wait until it is released on the 11th of March and then there should be some clearer insight.
However, based on previous iPad releases it should be open to use on any network.
The problem with the iPhone is that it is a device that is dependent on a deal with a cellular provider for voice calls. That is normally where the provider negotiates a closed deal in order to make extra sales. The iPad of course is an exclusive Apple device, thus there is no sense in making it locked to one provider.
Hi Jaimee,
Just go into a Vodacom store and purchase prepaid data from there. They will ask you for the number for your sim and it gets automatically added to that account.
There is a way to do it over the Internet, but that is a little more complex.
I hope the advice helps.
Hi Dion
Thanks mate your advice worked perfectly although I use an iphone but thanks alot anyway. Im enjoying my new right now because I was struggling to get hold on the micro sim.
Hi there.. Will the iPad 2 3G and wifi work in SA if I bought it in the USA?
Please reply soon as I only have limited time left here