iPad in South Africa - Vodacom and MTN 3G sim card conversion to microsim

UPDATE 4 January 2013 - If you are looking for the instructions for converting your regular sim, or micro sim, to a nano sim you can see my new post (with a very handy PDF for measuring and cutting) here.
Original Post
I am the very fortunate owner of an Apple iPad - unfortunately mine is not a 3G version. You can read about my iPad here, and watch a video of how I use it here.
However, I do have a few friends who have bought 3G iPad's in America and Hong Kong.
The amazing thing is that the iPad is not carrier locked (unlike the early iPhones that were locked to AT&T - my iPhone 3GS is a US version that has been unlocked for use on MTN in South Africa). But, back to the iPad 3G. With the three iPad's that I have got working on 3G in South Africa it was a simple as putting in a 3G sim card.
But... There is one problem! Micro-sim cards are quite rare in South Africa. I have heard that Vodacom has some in stock (that one can purchase), and I'm sure that MTN must also have some now (since they have been advertising that they'll also be selling the iPhone 4 which uses this smaller sim card).
So, what to do if you want your 3G iPad to run on a South African Network? Well, it's quite simple actually:
DISCLAIMER: Do this at your own risk! This is merely an outline of how I did it on a few iPads, your results may vary.
1. Get a regular sim card (you can either purchase a prepaid sim card - which costs just R1 from Vodacom, and I would suggest Vodacom for pre-paid data since it is so easy to load data at a cheaper cost).
2. Resize the sim card to fit the iPad's microsim slot. I'll have a few photos to show you how to do this below.
3. Pop in your sim card and you're up and running!
Resizing your regular Vodacom (or MTN) sim card to fit your 3G iPad:
1. Find the sim card slot in your iPad (it is on the bottom left of the iPad). Open it with a paperclip.
2. Use a piece of paper to 'trace' the internal ridge of the micro-sim holder (I used a post-it note). Simply place the paper over the sim card holder and run your fingernail or some other hard surface over the internal ridge of the holder. It will leave an imprint on the paper.
3. Next, cut your paper stencil to size.
4. Next, you'll need some 'Prestik' (not sure what it is called elsewhere in the world), the sticky stuff on the left of this picture. Simply stick your stencil onto your sim card and get ready to cut!
5. Next, line up the contacts from your regular sized sim card underneath the microsim holder. NB, please note in my picture below the sim card should be moved about 2mm to the LEFT (to ling up the contacts). See the image below this one with more description.
5.a. Please see the image (from my friend Paul) of a microsim. You'll notice on the microsim that the 'golden contacts' are more or less centrally located to fit into the sim card holder. As long as you get the central 3 contacts lined into the centre of the holder you're fine. When you put the card in, if it says 'No Sim' you know that the contacts have not lined up...
6. Next, paste your stencil onto your sim card using the prestik, and cut carefully! Don't worry about cutting through the outer gold contacts... As long as the three central contacts are in tact you're perfect!
7. Once you've done your first cut you may need to do some slight tweaking in order to fit the sim into the holder.
Here's a photo of the sim in the microsim holder.
8. Finally, slip your sim, in the microsim holder, into the iPad - within a few seconds you should see the 'signal indicator' on the top left hand corner of the iPad indicating either Vodacom 3G or the E (for Edge if your outside of a 3G area).
So, I hope this helps! Feel free to drop me a comment or a mail if I you get stuck. I'm not always able to respond right away (my day job does keep me rather busy!), but I'll respond as soon as I'm able.
Further to my instructions you can also watch this video http://allabouttheipad.tumblr.com/post/729237325/converting-a-sim-to-a-micro-sim-for-the-ipad

If you are looking for the instructions for converting your regular sim, or micro sim, to a nano sim you can see my new post (with a very handy PDF for measuring and cutting) here.
Reader Comments (49)
Hi Sheldon,
Indeed, the iPad 2 3G and wifi works in South Africa. You just need to buy and put in a Microsim (I suggested Vodacom) and then change the cellular network APN to 'internet' in your settings.
I played with it in the US. A lovely device!
Hi Dion
Thank you so much. That is very helpful! Thanks for going through the effort. I have ordered my ipad2 today and will definately use your method. I have had a quick look at your site. Thanks speaking out and being bold!
God bless bud.
Pleasure Rijn! I'm sure you'll enjoy your iPad. A super tool!
God bless,
Hi there Dion
What are the options if i already have a vodacom 3G modem and wish to purchase the ipad 2..do i still have to purchase the ipad2 WIFI with 3G or can i use my existing modem which a USB plug and play in a basic ipad2 WIFi. Please advise as to where one can purchase the ipad2 most cost effectively.
many thanks
regretably technophobic
Dion, I am somewhat confused and require your steady hand. I have family in the USA who can buy me an iPad 2 via the Apple Online Store and bring it to Cape Town. However, it only advertises the iPad 2 with Wifi only (those with 3G are with Verizon and AT&T). Where did you buy your iPad 2 with Wifi + 3G in the USA? Thanks. Kobus
Hi Kobus,
The iPad wifi with the AT&T 3G module works in South Africa. I have bought a few for friends and family as I have travelled to the USA and Asia in recent months. As long as it is the AT&T version it will work. When it arrives in South Africa you simply pop in a micro sim from Vodacom or MTN and it will work. The AT&T version will work on 3G and wifi here in South Africa.
The Verizon iPad will not work in South Africa - so please be warned! Of course you could use the Verizon iPad on wifi, but the 3G module (CDMA) does not work here.
So, to answer your question, your family members should be able to buy the AT&T 3G iPad online from the Apple store at http://www.apple.com or they can buy it at BestBuy or Target store (in store or online). They can also buy it from http://www.amazon.com
I hope that answers your question?
Can a vodafone mobile broadband sim card work in the ipad2. i already cut mine to size?
Is there am App that will allow me to monitor remaining data on my ipad and will enable me to buy data directly from your ipad?
I have seen that Flickswitch offer a sim monitoring service at a price.
Hi Basie,
Thanks for the comment. I'm afraid that I am not aware of such an app. I use a data monitoring app to keep an eye on my 3G data usage (and warn me when I am about to reach my data cap). There are lots of good apps to do that. However, I don't know of an app that will allow you to purchase data directly from it.
Read all the posts above. Does the iPad 3 I buy here in Nashville (AT&T) transfer to Vodacom in South Africa just like the iPad 2 does?
Hi Doug,
If you bought an iPad 3 (in December 2011, at the time of your comment) you would the first person in the world to do so!
Apple has not yet released an iPad 3 - however, if you are referring to the most recent iPad (as of 28 December 2011) an iPad 2 on AT&T (which is what I assume), then yes indeed, it will work with a Vodacom microsim in South Africa.
Grace and peace,
Hi there Dion, came across your site. its very informative. i cut my mtn sim card and fits like a clove. however, i cant seem to pick up any signal to register/setup the ipad. i dont get any type of signal. what im getting is the "No service" message. any advice?
@huds it would seem that your sim card is not activated. It could also be that you haven't fit it quite correctly. The best way to test both is to put your sim into a phone, position it carefully in the sim slot as if it were still a large sim. If it works in the phone then it is almost certainly cut to the wrong shape. If you can't get it to work in the phone then it is likely that the sim is either damaged or not cut to the correct size / shape.
I hope that helps!
Hi Dion.I will be recieving a 16 gig 3g and wifi ipad from friend overseas.will i be having network problems in SA or any problems registering with the apple services?
Hi Duwaal,
As long as it is a 3G iPad (with wifi) it should be fine. If the iPad comes from the USA be sure that it is an AT&T model (not Verizon). The Verizon model uses CDMA modem technology (not 3G), that will not work on SA cell phone carriers. Of course wifi is the same the work over, so if it is a CDMA version you could still get online via wifi.
Best regards,
Hi, I just wanted to find out how much a new micro sim is. Hv an iPad 4g 16gig. Thanks. I live in East London, South Africa.
Hi @Sibz,
Microsims are fairly cheap if you can get one. I suggest that you go to one of the larger Vodacom or MTN stores in East London. It should be less that R50 (probably less than R20). However, if you're going to do a sim swap (i.e., buying a microsim to replace an existing sim card with the same number) that is normally around R100 or so.
I have also just purchased a new iPad 3 - I love it! I got a 32gig in the USA about two weeks ago. The 4G does not get the speeds in South Africa that it gets in the USA - we don't have LTE available here in SA, but you do get good 3G! Plus the screen, camera and extra speed are well worth the upgrade. I was disciplined and stuck with my iPad 1 (I resisted the temptation to upgrade to an iPad 2!) So, upgrading from an iPad 1 to an iPad 3 is a BIG change! I love it.
Rich blessing,
Hi there, i want to know if an ipad2 bought in Germany would work in South Africa. thanx
Hi @Tee,
Yup, Germany only supplies GSM versions (3g and 4g) it should work just fine in South Africa.
God bless,
thank you so much Dion, i just recieved my WiFi+cellular 32G iPad mini today.
i did just what you demonstarted, and i'm up and running.
i will pass on the trick "with caution though"
Thanks for sharing
Cool! So glad it worked! Once you've cut a SIM card once and had that reassuring affirmation that it works you do it a little less fearfully the next time! Enjoy your iPad mini! It looks like an awesome device!
Hi I just bought an iphone4 and it came without a simcard because it was an upgrade. The problem is I can't seem to fit my simcard that I'm using right now from my N8. I ve heard that there's an adaptor that u can use after I ve made a simswap to Micro simcard so that I can be able to use it on other phones, Is that tru?
I am wanting a family member bring the new IPad Mini retina with cellular (3G/LTE) from the USA. I have the option of selecting either Verizon, Sprint, AT&T or T-Mobile.
I know that the device is not locked by carrier, but I am worried about the specific config of the device and using it on our South African networks.
Which device is best for use on CELLC (3G & LTE), it would also be great if it could work on the Vodacom (3G & LTE) as well as MTN (3G & LTE)
Please could someone assist with the best model to purchase in the USA.
Hi Shaun,
Thanks for the note. As far as I am aware the AT&T version is the most compatible one with our Cellular Network standards in South Africa. Verizon is a CDMA network, while T-Mobile and AT&T are GSM networks (3G, LTE).
However, I must warn you that our LTE band differs in SA and so you may be unlikely to get the same LTE speeds here as one can get in the USA and Australia.
Best regards,