A little affirmation! We all need it from time to time.

This morning I had a meeting at the University of Stellenbosch - it is truly one of my favourite places on earth! After the meeting I popped into the Theology Library (where I am fortunate to have 'privileges' since I am a local minister and was a past student). I handed back two books (both by Joerg Rieger on Christianity and Empire, which I had been using for a chapter Joerg asked me to write for one of his new books).
The library has a display section for new books, recommended books, new journals and new PhD and Masters thesis. I always take a quick look at this selection to see what is new and what is recommended (mainly in the books and journals!) It is such an incredible privilege it is to have access to a good theological library on my doorstep!
Well, today when I had a quick look I was suprised to find that two mine and Wessel's books (see http://www.wesselsplace.blogspot.com ) were on display! The two books in question (see the lower right of the photograph) are 'What are we thinking? Reflections on Church and society from Southern African Methodists' and 'Methodism in Southern Africa: A celebration of Wesleyan Mission'.
I'm certain it is vanity - but it just felt so good, like such an affirmation, to see our two books on Methodism in Southern Africa singled out for attention among all of the many, many books in the library! We all need a little affirmation from time to time!
I needed it today, and God gave me this little 'surprise gift'.
I have been feeling a little sad of late - it started with the death of my friend Barry, then my little son Liam got ill, and we have struggled to nurse him back to health for almost 3 weeks now. I can't tell you what a toll that takes on Megie and I! Because of the struggle with his lungs we don't get much sleep and Megie had to take two weeks out of the office to take care of him (of course that puts all sorts of other pressures on us!) Then, this last week was my late father's birthday - he would have been 66 years old. Remembering my dad brings back some wonderful memories - but, I do feel that I miss him. For those who have lost parents, you may know what I am talking about - it feels strange to be 'alone in the world', without that pivotal point of reference, that person to whom you can turn for advice, counsel and wisdom.
I try quite hard to take a spoon of my own medicine by focussing on the things for which I can be thankful, and believe me, I have more than my share of those! I am truly blessed! Moreover, I attempt to spend my time helping others, engaging in acts of mercy and service wherever I am able so that I can gain a correct orientation on my life. Of course I pray, I read the scriptures, and I exercise. The intention with all of these is to maintain a healthy equilibrium between my spiritual life, my physical life and my psychological state (emotions). Sometimes this is easier said than done!
Well, this little blessing has brought a smile to my face! It is good to be affirmed - I think we all need it from time to time...
Reader Comments (2)
hi dion thanks for the thoughts on affirmation. If i could share one of mine today. As you know we helping authors who want to publish but can't. well today I met a remarkable man, dying of bone marrow cancer, who we are going to help leave behind a book about Jesus healing the blind man at the pool of shiloam. it was such a humbling exprience and really put my writing etc into perspective.
Dion again you have hit the nail on the head. We all do need affirmation from time to time especially when going through a not so good patch in our life. I can empathise with you on more than one account here. But keep smiling because God is smiling on you.