Taking the gap... Making the most of who you are and where you are...

Do you sometimes feel dissatisfied with who you are? Perhaps you're frustrated with where you are in life? Maybe you just wish that your life was different!
These are not uncommon feelings - a great number of people struggle with these feelings. Of course there are many complex factors that can contribute to this state of mind. I would venture, however, that one fairly common cause for this malaise is a lack of meaning and purpose. When we feel like we are valuable, able to make a significant difference, we tend to be more at peace, more fulfilled. On the other hand, when we feel like we're not making much of a difference to the world around us, and that we are not value for who we are and what we can do, then we tend to be less happy, less at peace, and less settled.
Does this sound right to you?
For the past 8 weeks or so I have been doing a series of messages about the 7 Churches of Revelation 2 and 3 for my radio program 'The ministry and me' on Radio Pulpit. I have received some wonderful feedback from listeners! The purpose of the program is simple - my aim is to help every Christian to grow in their understanding that they are all ministers (of some for or another), and that with just a little bit of courage and a litle bit of focuss and intention each and every person can do great things for God!
Today I recorded the message that will be broadcast on Wednesday in two weeks time (I am pleased to say that I am a full cycle ahead!) - the message is entitled 'Taking the gap: making the most of who you are, where you are and what you do for God' We looked at the Church at Philadelphia (Rev 3:7-13). This was not a powerful Church, it did not have great resources, or even massive acclaim. Yet, we are told in the text that because of their courage and faithfulness in the things that they could do (not the things they wished to do, or the things that others did...) they were remembered by Christ and that if they remained faithful in that humble and persistent ministry God would write His name on them. People would look at them and recognise that they are loved by God.
When I read that I wondered what it must be like to be recognizeably loved by God! That must be something special.
Well, maybe this sermon will have some encouragement for you. Please do drop me a line if you have any thoughts or feedback. And please also vote for the episode on the Radio Pulpit website (simply follow this link and send a mail message asking to cast your vote for 'The ministry and me').
You can download the program here (6MB MP3 file)
Thank you! God bless,
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