Is the secular state to blame for a decline in morals and values (in South Africa)?

This afternoon I had the pleasure of listening to a most challenging lecture by Professor Martin Prozesky, a retired professor of ethics from the University of Kwazulu Natal, at the Joint Conference for Academic Societies in Religion and Theology.
The title of his lecture was 'Is the secular state to blame for the decline in moral values in Southern African society'.
I recorded the lecture using my Macbook - so the sound quality is not all that great. It is not all that bad, but there were some instances when a few desks and chairs were moved in order to get some extra persons into the venue who arrived late. So please just skip through those bits.
The gist of the lecture is this: Does a secular state contribute towards the decline of moral and ethical values? Many religious groups and faith communities would seem to suggest that this is so. Martin makes an exceptional argument that a secular state (not to be confused with secularization) makes for a high moral and ethical standard in society. The reason is quite simply that the only alternatives to a secular state (i.e., a state that his not swayed in an direction by religious beliefs) is a theocracy (such as nations in which Islamic law is applied in the name of God), a anti-faith states (such as the USSR under Karl Marx). Neither of these are desirable for truly moral and ethical development. Rather, what is necessary is the kind of freedom that allows all citizens to participate in developing ethics for the common good of the whole of society.
He makes some wonderful statements about what ethics is in its broadest terms. He also discusses the notion of a secular state and makes reference to problems with Southern African constitutional democracy.
I found it most interesting! I would love to hear your comments and feedback!
I have also recorded a wonderful lecture by Professor John de Gruchy (on Christian Humanism and revisiting tradition). I will edit and upload that as soon as I have a chance.
I am loving having the opportunity to be back in the academy! Sadly I'll have to miss tomorrow morning, Wednesday afternoon and all of Friday's lectures because of other work commitments. But, I am savoring those bits that I can attend!
Here's the lecture - it is a 10MB mp3 file.
If you do use this lecture or download and share it could I please ask that you reference it to Professor Martin Prozesky, 22 June 2009 (Stellenbosch), and also please send a linkback to me here at
PS. Wessel, we're missing you! I'm glad you're recovering from your surgery, but heck, it would have been great to be here with you my friend
Reader Comments (1)
Hi D
Missing you and everybody there. As luck would have it, I now have bronchitis, so just as well I didn't go.
Please pass on my regards to all there, especially Neville. I spent the morning praying for the Conference and for all those attending/participating. I would have delivered a paper this morning on Calvin's pneumatology.
Keep well and, if you don't mind, please get me a couple of copies of the papers. Much appreciated, friend.