Acceptance, a simple and effective means of building God's Kingdom

Last night I preached at my friend Kevin Needham's Church in Bergvliet. It was wonderful to be with him. I spoke about the ministry of acceptance (called 'Hospitality' in some circles). So, today when I recorded my next program for my radio broadcast on Radio Pulpit ( just look for 'the ministry and me') I decided to follow the same theme.
Here's a sneak preview. In this episode we explore the notion of overcoming our struggles with people who are different form ourselves (whether that is a loved one, or even a group of people). I have found this to be such a powerful insight on establishing God's Kingdom in a simple and effective way.
I'd love to hear your comments and feedback! And, if you're interested in getting the typed notes just drop me an email. It's all opensource in God's Kingdom!
Have a blessed day!
Reader Comments (1)
Hi Dion, Please send me a type out copy of the talk on Acceptance. Blessings Herman