How many AAA's in KHAAAN!? An exercise in mathematical stupidity and the intelligence of the internet!

How many AAAAAA's in KHAAAN!? Yes, there are many.
This graph shows how people have typed Khaan (with how many A's) on the whole wide intranets and internets and extranets etc. etc. The vertical axis plots how many hits there are per spelling form (e.g., 1 million for Khan, as opposed to 1 hit for Khan with 96 A's... You've got to admire the person who types 97 A's!) It is quite clever (it can count), but it's not that clever... It comes from here - now that's clever!

As can be seen in this chart, "Google search results for "KH(Ax)N" for x=1 to 100," there's a real spike of "AAAAA"s around 40 and 50. That's a lot of repetitious typing! Also, you have to admire the bloody-minded perserverence of the folks over there at 97-100 "AAAAA"s. Also, RIP, Ricardo Montalban.
Google search results for "KH(Ax)N" for x=1 to 100 (via Negatendo)
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