Above average expectation, above average opportunity - are you aiming to become a 'hero of the faith'?

I've come to understand that we all need role-models, hero's, the kind of persons that we can look towards for inspiration, encouragement, and upon whom we can model ourselves. It has been an incredible privilege in recent months to meet with many of those persons that I have admired as I have traveled to various destinations across the globe.
One thing has become clear to me - that is that my 'heros' are just ordinary people who have done a few extra-ordinary things. When you couple that with the reality that God has created each one of us to be special and extra-ordinary you can reach some wonderfully encouraging and blessed conclusions!
Here's a sneak preview of my Radio Pulpit show for this week (listen in on your radio 657 Khz on AM in Gauteng, or via the web at 9.00-9.30 (GMT+2hours) every Wednesday). Click here to download the show 'more than average' (6.6MB MP3).
Blessings for this week!
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