Picturing God.

I read this wonderful quote in my devotions this morning:
Picturing God must precede any speaking about God, for our pictures accompany all our words and they continue long after we fall silent before God. Images - the language of the psyche - are the coin of life; they touch our emotions as well as our thoughts; they read down into our bodies as well as toward our ideas. They arrive unbidden, startling, after our many years of effort to craft them. From 'Picturing God' by Ann Belford Ulanov.
The challenge is to see God before we attempt to talk about God.
Reader Comments (1)
And picturing God is surely picturing Jesus -- "No man has seen God, but the only-begotten Son has revealed him".
And I find it interesting that things I posted on on this topic my blogs months ago remain among the most popular posts, according to Amatomu statistics, so this is something that seems to get a lot of people interested. See" REL="nofollow">Notes from underground: Po�frika: Meme findings - what did Jesus look like?