A fantastic sunset on a paradigm shifting weekend.

This has been an absolutely fantastic weekend! It has been a long time since I've felt as inspired, engaged and challenged! The International Transformation Network conference was a real paradigm shift for me to realise just how important it is to equip 'marketplace' people to impact change in their workplace.
Since the team from Argentina, Canada and the USA were here we made the most of our time together. So, on Sunday and Monday evenings we had two 'marathon' meetings. They were marathons in the sense that there was great enthusiasm, excitement, and hard work as we met. However, they were also marathon meetings since we worked until midnight on Sunday evening, and just before 1am on Monday evening (Tuesday morning).
Tonight, however, my 'Half Time' meeting and conference call ended at 5pm, so Megie, Courts, Liam and I bought Steers burgers and went to the beach to watch the sunset.
I haven't felt this good in a very long time - hard work, worthwhile endeavour, and great rewards!
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