The cover of our new book! 'Methodism in Southern Africa: A celebration of Wesleyan mission'

The cover of our new book!
Originally uploaded by digitaldion.
Here's a 'sneak preview' of the cover of OUR new book! Wessel and I have been working on this project for some years now. It is finally coming to fruition!
Among the authors are past Bishop Stanley Mogoba, Prof Joan Jackson (Joan Millard), Bishop Gavin Taylor, Revs Pete Grassow, Gcobani Vika, , Kevin Light, KK Ketshabile, Dr Sol Jacob, Dr Wessel Bentley, Dr Dion 'bionic leg' Forster.
Here's the 'back page blurb' from the book:
One cannot be a faithful Christian without being in mission! The question is, however, what is true mission? And more specifically what mission does God want you to do in your context? This book is a rich resource that will aid you to work out the answers to these critical questions. In its pages you will find challenging insights from our past, helping you to understand the unique and special mission focus that God has given to Southern African Methodists. You’ll be able to get some insights into what the Church is currently doing in mission, and perhaps even find some places in which you can involve yourself or your congregation. But most importantly, this book will help you to think about how you can take the healing and transforming love of Jesus Christ into an unknown future. The contributors to this book include past and present Bishops, University lecturers, Pastors and Ministers of Churches, all of whom are dedicated to Christ and committed to helping you fulfil your call to mission. This book is a collaboration between the Education for Ministry and Mission Unit of the Methodist Church of Southern Africa, and Africa Upper Room Ministries. The profits from the book go towards the ministerial students fund of the Methodist Church and help in the training of ministers.
The book is being marketed and sold through the Africa Upper Room ministries, so to place an order please contact the AURM book manager, John Mitchley at You can contact him telephonically at 011 948-9978, or send a fax to 011 948-9997.
For those who will be attending Methodist SYNODs in May this year, we hope to have this book, AND our next book (which is in the final stages of editorial) launched simultaneously.
Technorati tags: new book, Methodism in Southern Africa, Wesleyan Mission, Wessel Bentley, Dion Forster, Upper Room
Reader Comments (1)
Brilliant; I will place an order soon and hopefully will get it before getting back home.
It is wonderful that more of our people are beginning to write publishable pieces, congratulations!!!
I am looking forward to glean some insights from our past and visions for the future from some seasoned loyal servants of God's Kingdom.
Peace and blessings to you all; Phambili!