An indespensible tool for preachers and more astute Biblical scholars - free Biblical Greek tools online.

The internet is filled with many wonderful gems (and a few rotten tomatoes!) that can enrich one's study of scripture. I use quite a few 'online tools' when I do research, and even just when I am preparing a sermon or a short talk or presentation.
If you search for 'Powerpoint' on this blog you'll find quite a few posts about the presentation tools that I use, and tips on how to use them.
Today, however, I want to recommend a tool for students and scholars of the Bible that will help to deepen and enliven the content of your presentations or sermons. The tool is called "The resurgence Greek project". It is one of the very best free Biblical Greek resources available on the internet!
Whether you are proficient in Biblical Greek or not, this resource will be invaluable to you in delving a little deeper into your text (particularly if you are wanting to do some exegesis or expository preaching and teaching).
It is simple to use and very powerful. Of course you'll need an internet connection and also a java enabled web browser. You can either do research on a single passage (see the image below). What is amazing is that you simply allow your mouse to hover over a word and it will give you a complete (technical) overview of the word, its use in that context, and an explanation of the meaning.
The second very useful tool for Greek students is that you can produce 'flash cards' and 'vocabulary lists' to help you study for your tests and exams!
Of course along with tools like this (that allow one to do some pretty serious grammatical syntactical work) there are many other great commentaries available for free that will enrich one's historical and social understanding of the text (both in the time when it was written, but also in subsequent interpretations and uses throughout the centuries since). If you can suggest any particularly good, or useful, tools for this please would you drop a line in comments?
I am also looking for some free resources that will help with developing good solid daily devotions, weekly liturgies based on the common lectionary, and then of course sermon illustrations and powerpoint slide backgrounds and video clips.
By the way my pastoral commission went exceptionally well on Wednesday! I hope to get a chance to write a few words about my NEW venture tomorrow!! The long and the short of it is that I now have freedom to speak of the NEW post that I have accepted (it is an international post, that is based in Cape Town). Keep your eyes on this space for details!
Technorati tags: Bible study, Free resources, Greek, Internet, expository preaching
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks for that -- looks useful!