The infamous Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket Heath Ledger's funeral because of his role in Brokeback mountain

This must be one of the sickest, and saddest, things that this church (and I use that word with all of the grace I can muster) has ever done!
Heath Ledger's death is a tragedy attributable to the ferociousness of fame, uncontrolled hedonism, and unmanageable pressure that is placed upon so many young celebreties... It is truly sad that any person should have to come to the end of their life discovering the emptyness of living for wealth, fame, and pleasure.
Perhaps one of the few things that is sadder than this fate is the hate and bigotary of those who feel no compassion for the loss of others.
Please Lord, guard us from becoming so self righteous that we live in judgement of others who are as broken and needful of grace as we are...
Reader Comments (2)
Eish - this so-called "church" would have us believe that they have an inside track on the inner workings of God's mind?! Personally, I find it mindboggling that a loving gracious, merciful God can appear to hate so much and so many...
Besides, irrespective of where one may stand on the whole same-sex debate, even those who believe that homosexual acts are sinful must concede that while God may hate sin, He loves the sinner - that is surely why Jesus was sent?
I must admit that I have not seen "Brokeback Mountain", nor do I carry any particular torch for its main actor, Heath Ledger (simply because I don't know the man from a bar of soap), but to heap condemnation on someone who played a fictional role in a movie is just bizarre in the extreme. Following the same logic, it would be like saying that if a church were to put on a Sunday School play portraying Jesus' tempatation in the desert, the child that portrays the devil will be going straight to hell.
As to whom God supposedly "hates" or otherwise, I think that when we get to heaven one day, we will be quite shocked to see some of the people we find there.
I keep confusing that one with the" REL="nofollow">Landover Baptist Church. Dunno why, perhaps it's because the words "Baptist Church" triggers something.