Hit me on my iPhone, if you need me.

This has been a week where I have not touched sides! When I am teaching all day my regular work does not stop... Today I got out of class to find that I had 19 voice mail messages!!!!
What makes it even worse is that I have not been able to use my iPhone for the last couple of days....
No, there is nothing wrong with the phone... The problem is that the phone works TOO well and TOO easily. You see, here's the problem. I have a 500MB a month data package. However, I discovered that by the 16th of the month I had used up ALL 500MB's simply because it sooooo easy to browse the web, check google maps, update my RSS feeds and read and reply to email messages.
So, in order to avoid incurring huge data costs I put my sim card back into my Nokia E90... A nice phone, but nowhere NEAR as nice or easy to use as the iPhone....
So, if you need me, leave a message.... I promise to get back to you (sometime!)
Friday is the last day or Orientation for our students and then we get back to a normal academic schedule, which means that I will have a little more time in the office, and spend less than a full day in class.
Watch the video of you have a few MB's to spare... Think of me, missing my iPhone!
BTW. My data bundle resets on Sunday (27th of each month), and then I shall be back on my iPhone.
PS. I will most likely be heading off to Burundi for a few days next month. I am quite excited about that. It should make for a few interesting thoughts and a few interesting blog posts!
Technorati tags: iPhone, data plan, user error
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