So, Wessel, when is yours happening!?

Can anyone figure out what the image in this picture is saying!? It is something that my friend Wessel will have to do in the next month or so... It is an integral part of getting one's doctorate!
So, come on, who's going to get it right? What are they saying?
Reader Comments (4)
In DEFENCE of my intelligence, I have to leave it to you to enlighten us. Remeber that Barth did not even earn any of his doctoral degrees!
Which reminds me, your last post on the Yahoo group leaves no doubt in my mind that you are a closet-Barthian. Have you listened to the CD's yet?
Ah well done! No wonder you're a doctor, my doctor!
Ja, aayee haf been leezening to herr professorr barth! Thanks for the CD's!
Blessings friend,
They are saying "D" "Fence"
D Hek, as in what D Hek?