Our darling girl and the miracle kid

Yesterday the miracle kid, AKA Liam the Great, went for his checkup with all of his doctors (trust me there are many of them!) and also went to be weighed (not as traumatic for men as for women, also at this stage of life it is a good thing to pick up weight!), and of course to spend a couple of thousand rand on injections (to our medical aid, thanks for nothing... Well, not quite nothing... R3000 out of R60 000 is something, I guess! That's why we pay them the big money! They're smarter than we are).
Here's a picture of little Liam doing during the day what he should be doing at night. It's called sleep, other people have told us about it. One day we will re-discover what it is like ;-)

Doesn't he look all grown up? He is so peaceful. Friends, you may never be able to understand what an incredible joy and blessing it is for Megie, Courtney, and I to see our little miracle boy like this. He is free from machines, he looks chubby, and with the exception of
a few little niggles with his left limbs he is perfect in every possible way. I don't know how anyone cannot believe that God is not active, engaged, compassionate and loving? By the way, for the those who are interested in a creative and novel approach to the the theology of providence, check out Rob Bell's DVD 011 called 'Rhythm', it's in the nooma series.
So, I am reminded that in the midst of all of the things that matter, there are some things that matter more. Worship is about discovering truth, declaring it as truth, and then making that truth become more and more real in one's daily life. Today I worship the God of all creation for the miracle of life, for the safety of living within God's faithfulness, and for the joy of knowing that I receive undeserved grace...
Thank you for your continuing prayers for us. We cherish the thought of knowing that there are people who remember us in the intimacy of God's presence. Just as an aside, quite a few of you have contacted me to say that you take up the discipline of fasting during of the week (quite a few of you join me on a Friday). I still engage in that simple act - it reminds me just how much I need God. It creates a realisation in me that in my world of privelage I am still the same as every other person who must eat to survive, and so my ministry must bring food to the hungry. It also reminds me that I am often more hungry for physical food than I am for the true bread of life, Jesus. For those who have not done so for a long time, why not consider giving up just one meal? Give that food to someone who needs it more than you do, and give the time to God, the one who sends the bread of life, like manna in the desert, that will take away your hunger for all eternity....
Anyway, here endeth today's sermon ;-)
Reader Comments (6)
Oh Dion, that picture of Courts and Liam the Great has reduced me to tears - and plenty of them!He looks so GORGEOUS and CHUBBY!!!! Praise God!
Thank you for all the material you are providing us with re:Homosexual relationships. I am really digging deep - and relishing it! Currently "ploughing" through Walter Wink's notes.....
Love and blessings to all in Forsterdom
Preach away friend, you have all the right to. It's so good to see how well Liam is doing. It's an absolute miracle and testimony to the wonder and awesomeness of God.
Be Blessed
He already looks like a Blue Bull (Prop?)! Courtney like a Bulls babe!
You are blessed.
the boy is certainly better looking than his dad - I see a gleam of intelligent life there!
Pete G
Hi Dion (& Family)
Debs and i rejoice with you at the wonderful way in which God answers prayers, and works miracles in our lives. Blessings to you guys, and thanks for the lovely pictures of Liam & Courtney, i can't believe how fantastic he looks.
God bless
Thanks so much for all the great comments and good wishes! It is wonderful to be loved, and a great joy to be able to share good news!
Well, this Sunday we shall celebrate his life, and give thanks to God as Liam is baptised at our evening service in Bryanston Methodist Church.