Pen blog from Sony UX 180 and Microsoft OneNote 2007... the results of my surgery.

I'm still in And yes, my handwriting is this bad! I think it is simply because I am part of that generation that finds it much easier to type than to write (my daughter of 7 could type long before she could write!) I have been typing and txtng for so many years that I have forgotten how to hold a quill and ink! As to the surgery... Nothing spectacular... The operation went well. I had two cancerous growths removed (and was converted to a 'sports model' at the same time - you're next Wes!). The doctor (a real one!) was happy with the outcome of the surgery. He is confident that the cancer had not spread, and that he has removed all of the offending bits - getting older is a real bugger! I am still waiting for the results from some tests, but all seems fine. It has left me somewhat tender, as you can well imagine, with quite a few stitches in places that shouldn't have them! However, I am relieved that it all went well. There we go... Now we say no more about it!
Reader Comments (3)
I remember when Geoff converted to a sports model -( still praying for THE conversion!)- the colours were quite spectacular, so stand by as the bruising appears!!! ;) Praise God that all went well. Will continue to hold you up in prayer:)
Love and blessings
Ha ha Janet, I seem to remember that in scripture God gave the Israelites a promise, in the form of many colours, that they would never suffer such a severe punishment as the flood again. Hopefully my journey of 'many colours' means that I will never suffer such a punishment again!
Hi dion.
Glad that all went well and congrats on Liam's baptism.
Will continue praying as you await results.
So, does Joseph's technicolor dreamcoat have a hidden meaning? Like the reference to "feet" in the Bible?