A fun little Bible Quiz!

Think you've got more brains than Homer!? I was sent the little Bible Quiz below by my good wife Megan!
It is a tiny little Java application, so simply click on the link below, it will open in a new page, follow the instructions, then come back to let us all know how well you know the Bible!
If you ask REALLY nicely I'll tell you how I scored (let's just say for the more Theologically astute among us, my Marcionite leanings were exposed).
Click HERE to start the Quiz.
Reader Comments (8)
glad to see I'm still saved, and not a hairy tick
Apparantly I'll be at sunday school on sunday... too true... but then I do work with teenagers!
Norm... His score and my comment to him!
Norm's email: On 13 Jun 2007, at 12:06 PM, Andre Boer wrote:
Sister Diona
Hey, I got 3 wrong, do I go to hell, and if so, do you still have my comps for heaven?
Love Andrea
My Response:
Ha ha! You biscuit!
You see, that just goes to show, 17 years of theological education on my part makes me no better (or in this case worse) than a saintly, dedicated, Christ loving, bible reading, Michelle marrying, water selling, Methodist! I also got 3 wrong!
You're comped!
19 "just call him Jesus, saviour and lord" our of 20...
hmmm... and they say I don't take the bible seriously...
still can't believe there are 5 books with only one chapter...
Up there with my cuz Barry a "just call him Jesus, saviour and lord" 19 out 0f 20 type. Going to check my original script - namely King Jimmy - to make sure this is not a type of da Vinci code plot!
Hmm, ok i need to do some more bible study if i'm going to compete with you guys! My ranking is: You really know your stuff. Worship Him! with a measly 15/20.
18\20. :)k
The ranking said "Eastern Star Church...One Church, Three Locations. I'll see on Sunday at Worship Service and at Sunday School."...maybe it was a fluke, i might have got them all right but I don't get what the ranking means...oh well. It must be because Dr D lectured me in a whole stack of my Diploma courses :)