The Golden Compass... What's all the fuss about!?

The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman seems to be ruffling quite a few feathers in the bloggosphere (and in Churches around the world). I can understand why - here's the official trailer:
Steve Hayes has discussed the Pullman books, and the current controversy surrounding them in anticipation of the premiere of The Golden Compass the movie, with great mastery of both a sound theology, and a superb insight into the literary genre and the entertainment value of the books.
His post is detailed, objective, and extremely helpful for the person who is considering whether they will see the movie or not.
I've read two of the three books in the 'His dark materials' series. Sure, they have some scary and challenging stuff, particularly for the young audience they are directed at. As I posted elsewhere, this is Harry Potter with fangs!
However, I am certain that most of our congregants (here I am speaking to pastors and Church leaders) will go and see the movie - even if many of them are afraid to admit it!
Might I suggest two things for any person who is concerned about their children, family, friends, or Church members being negatively effected by this movie?
1. Please READ the book(s)! I get so upset when people make statements about things without informing themselves. If you don't want to enrich the author by purchasing a copy of the book, drop me an email, I can tell you where you can get free copies... I know about the resource because at least one of my books has also been posted there for download.
2. Please READ Steve Hayes' superb post on the movie - it is a good, objective, insightful, and highly articulate take on this subject.
Thanks Steve! Blessings to all for the day - here I go, facing it without more than an hour's sleep. The joy of having Liam home far outweighs the need for sleep! I think, as an aside, that we humans were meant to be sleep deprived between the ages of 20 and 40 anyway. That's the only way to raise your Children and work hard enough to pay the rent (and buy books and see the occasional movie)....
Technorati tags: The Golden Compass, Philip Pullman, controversial, Christian perspective
Reader Comments (2)
I can't wait to see it!
I hope I can go on Monday morning... it looks like great fun.
Although I haven't read the book... (and I can't see myself reading it on screen) so I'll have to fork out the dollars - I think Christianity often earns its own criticism quite well... it's just a pity we're not willing to hear it; and perhaps respond humbly and intelligently every now and then.
Have a groovy one.
My personal rant for what it’s worth…
by: Lance Marchetti – Kroonstad – South Africa
Thanks for the opportunity for me to post my thoughts on this website.
Well it's 2008 and as far as I know the Good News remains in tact! Jesus is the Lord and Saviour of mankind. The message is that we should turn solely to Him for our Salvation whether in a fictional or non-fictional world; movies, books...whatever.
Pullman's tactic is to prey on young minds that can easily be fashioned in thought and belief. He purposely, without remorse aims to rip the image of God the Creator out of children’s minds and desires to replace it with doubt, unbelief and scepticism.
A proper Christian home with a least some level of discernment by the Holy Spirit will know that Pullman’s motives for the Golden Compass gravely displease the Lord Jesus Christ.
He’s a lost soul chasing after the winds of folly…surely we should pray for such a man. For think what a great thing it would be to see such writing talent used to the glory of God. Instead, he chooses to follow his own wayward heart of unbelief, and many undiscerning Christians remain indecisive after being exposed to his works.
This should not surprise us. Similar insecure reactions among Christians occurred with Harry Potter, The Bible Code, Passion of The Christ, Da Vinci Code and Gospel of Judas to name a few. What did these productions eventually bring to the table of Truth in order to communicate the Gospel effectively? Not much.
If we know in WHOM we believe and are FULLY persuaded that He is able to keep us from falling, then why for the love of God’s beautiful Word do we allow fools to influence our children’s lives, to such a degree that it has taken much debate, blogging and dialogue to sort lies from truth. Has God not spoken clearly?
What’s the point of listening to a man who rejects God’s Word, calling it a compilation of lies and then inviting Christians to pay money and seat them down to present to them his version of truth without rebuttal. Baloney man! What’s wrong with us Christians? Have we forgotten how to fight? Do we not know how to present simple Truth? Will we tolerate the intolerable for the sake of debate and dialogue and a religious pat on the back?
Let’s not forget that Pullman admires thinkers like Richard Dawkins, an atheist who sees Christianity as a menace and a destructive force which should be banished forever from humanity! In their world Christians are to be loathed. Did not Jesus say we would be hated for having the only Truth i.e. Himself ? Yes, we should fuss if our children are targeted in the public arena to reject Biblical Truth. We should fight tooth & nail. But fight with such gentleness and meekness of heart that they will be ashamed of their folly and turn to worship our Father in Heaven. We ought to use honest tact but in the humility of Jesus Christ.
I reiterate, Phillip Pullman has a clear-cut agenda – Kill all belief in God the Creator!
For an excellent review from an apologetic Christian perspective see the links below:
Rev. Ian Brown - The Golden Compass - An Avenue To Atheism