This could have been the last straw for my blogger account...

Blogger has been very good to me on the whole. However, it does have quite a few quirky and annoying elements too, worst of all is how long it takes to repost my blog if I add blogger tags!
But, then when I tried to add a post from Safari in the iphone and discovered that I could only enter titles and not enter any text in the body of my post, I was getting ready to move across to my wordpress blog completely....
That was until I discovered that You CAN POST to blogger using the web interface in Safari on the iPhone, as long as you select the 'edit HTML' tab in blogger!
So blogger gets to live for another day! But only just...
Technorati tags: posting to blogger from an iphone
Reader Comments (1)
What is tearing my hair out is that in my blog I cannot get blogger to post a PM time ! Infuriating. Does anybody has a solution? Blogger's trying to fix I think but so far,,,,,,a bug I think