Sacredise - a superb Christian resource site! Check it out for Christmas and Advent resources!

South Africa is blessed with many gifted and talented Christian leaders! This site is maintained by one of those gifted persons - John van de laar.
John is a gifted speaker, worship leader, and a creative and inspirational facilitator of change and renewal in many congregations. I have known John for many years and have been deeply challenged and blessed by his approach to spirituality and worship. I do believe that he is among the finest in the world, and certainly in South Africa.
He has just launched his new website: This is a site you need to bookmark! It will come in handy!
The site is well designed, offering easy access to both resources and inspiration with just a click or two. Among other things you'll find downloadable music, worship resources, liturgies, creative and engaging sermons, and articles on various aspects of Christian life and ministry.
John's site was one of the very first pages that I added to my blogroll (see the right of my main page). I have found his ideas and resources useful and challenging in my own ministry and spiritual life - I've often dipped into his previous blog and site to get a few ideas, or a liturgy or poem to spice up a service!
In fact, we use his book 'Food for the road' as one of the recommended texts with our seminary students when we teach all about creative liturgy, communion, and new and engaging ways to bring people into worship. The link above will let you download the first chapter to get an idea of what you can learn and gain from it.
Below is a snapshot of the resources section of his site. You'll see that you can download prayers, poetry, liturgies, music, images, drama scripts, and a whole host of seasonal resources.
The Advent and Christmas season is already active with prayers and drama scripts to download! So click away and start preparing for Christmas!
If you're looking for creative, home grown, Christian resources to enliven and renew your worship this site is the place to go. Let me know if you have any feedback, comments, or further suggestions.
Technorati tags: Great Christmas resources, Advent, John van de Laar, sacredise
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