A magnificent resource for small group leaders - Scot Mcknight on 'the whole Gospel'

I regularly check by the 'emergent village' website. I also subscribe to their podcast (downloaded onto my ipod as soon as it is updated... like a real emergent 'mac' user!)
I was catching up on some podcasts at the hospital today when I came upon this fantastic podcast of a talk that Professor Scot Mcknight gave entitled 'the whole Gospel'. It was given to a group of small group leaders and it is amazing!
Amongst other things he charts how small groups (that exist quite apart from 'regular' churches) are springing up all over the world! In fact research suggests that there are 125 million people across the world who belong to a small group, but not to a Church! How incredible is that?
So, take a listen to this fantastic talk... I hope it offers some insights and challenge.
the whole Gospel - Scot Mcknight [MP3, 61 Minutes]
PS. as mentioned yesterday we hope to set something up with Scot when he is here in South Africa next year. So, keep your eyes and ears open (it is likely to be in the Pretoria area).
Oh, and also please keep in mind that Joerg Reiger from Southern Methodist University (a prophet second to none! Search my blog for his two magnificent books! They are a must read for any serious Christ follower) is going to be with us in Pretoria in January (probably in the week of the 21st of January). That is also something to look forward to!
PS. Liam is doing so much better this evening! We thank God for how he is recovering. The doctor upped the dosage of his medication and it is showing real results. He still has physio every day... You can imagine that he doesn't like that one bit! However, he is getting stronger each day.
Technorati tags: emergent, small group resources, Scot Mcknight, Christian, Podcast
Reader Comments (1)
Dion, I had a quick squizz @ this site late last night - after collecting the honeymooners from the apt! It is really interesting. Thanks for posting it. I've added it my favourites. I HAVE to get more computer literate. Perhaps that can be my aim for 2008.
So pleased that Liam is on the mend. He's awesome!
Strength & His comfort to you all.
Love & blessings Janet