Back to the field!

Today is my second last day in glorious Sydney. Tonight I will be heading out to Bondi beach for sundownder with my friends Dave and Jules from Bryanston Methodist Church(yes, God forbid, even this Methodist will have a Victoria Bitter!)
Amazingly, I met with some friends from Somerset West on the station at Sydney's Olympic Park at about Midnight last night! Since being here I have also met people from our Chuch in Bryanston at Sydney harbour, and people from Bloemfontein, JHB, Cape Town (this list goes on and on)! But, to meet people that you know personally, that's amazing! How small the world truly is! It is true, there are only 7 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.... If you don't know what that means, google it! It is an interesting read!
My vision has been expanded, my heart healed, my faith renewed, my calling confirmed, my love for Christ deepened, and my passion for ministry rekindled.
It is back to the field I go (if only for a week, before I head off to Korea to make a presentation at the World Methodist Council)! A worker's worth is measured in his labour and his love! I hope that I will be found worthy of all of the blessing that I have ALREADY received.
Here are three little quotes that came from my reading and reflection over the last week. Yup, I am one of those few who still has a daily time of prayer and reflection!
"It is not enough to be busy, so are the ants. The question is, 'What are we busy about'?" -- Henry David Thoreau
I am making peace with the fact that I am a naturally busy person! I find myself depressed when I am not active. However, being busy is not enough. I need to be busy with the RIGHT things!
"The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch." -- Jim Rohn
NO COMMENT! Just take it in....
"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience." -- Henry Miller
My life can be characterized by risky leaps of faith! If I think back I have always risked it all, and thank God, I have seldom lost it all! More often than not I have had great blessing and benefit from throwing caution to the wind!
Reader Comments (2)
Wow my busy friend... I am glad there are some who are called to be busy.
I think I am called to not be busy.
Well maybe, not be too busy.
Its in sitting still for a few hours - or taking a long slow walk that I find who I am, and am able to be who I'm meant to be.
So now I've got to figure out hopw to be effective, without being busy.
Eugene Peterson here I come.
Yup, I agree it is something of a calling. I think it also has something to do with temprament.
You're a gift Gus!