Justice and Mercy!

Coming to the Hillsong conference has been a wonderful experience in so many ways! It has renewed my passion and faith, and it has challenged my perceptions of evangelical Christians. Of course the worship has been completely mind blowing. Delirious?, from London, did the worship two nights ago. It was one of the most intimate and moving worship experiences of my life.
Whilst I have not shared the same theological space with some of the speakers, I have been surprised at just how 'mainline' people like Bill Hybels and Rick Warren were in their theology. It is this blessed surprise that prompts this post.
One of the most encouraging aspects of the conference has been the strong emphasis on Justice and Mercy ministries! Not a single session takes place without some mention of the need to be involved in social transformation, bringing healing to broken communities, or getting involved in social action to overthrow oppressive economic social and political systems! South Africa, Rwanda, Brazil, India and a host of other countries have had 'spotlight' time from the most prominent of the ministries!
In particular there is a strong emphasis seeking to bring healing and restorative justice to oppressed women and children (whether be as a result of diseases, such as HIV / AIDS, or simply oppressive cultural,economic, and political systems). And, as I mentioned in an earlier post, these people THINK BIG when it comes to ministry!
Today over a thousand Children from Africa, South America and Asia were adopted by individual Christians and Christian communities.
Two young women shared their testimony of how the care of people who had adopted them through this scheme had changed their lives. I wept. I couldn't stop weeping. I still get tears in my eyes when I think about the story of hope and transformation that they shared.
Whilst there is a great deal that is not correct with the 'Mega Church' movement, there are some things they are getting VERY right. I think we can learn a few lessons from this. I sure have.
Reader Comments (1)
Thanks Dion - you are certainly being challenged - may the Lord continue to speak to you through your time at Hillsong and may you be inspired to bring that learning back not only to our own denomination but to the wider South African Church.