The internet is an amazing place! It is truly a postmodern marvel! On the net people think and let think (well at least there is not very much that can be done if someone feels differently to you!)
I have been having some problems accessing my blogger account using the NetFront web browser on my Palm OS Clie. So, I decided to download Eudora Internet Suite 2.1. Imagine my surprise when I saw these words printed at the bottom of the download page:
"You are prohibited from downloading the installers on this page if you are located in Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria." (http://www.eudora.com/products/unsupported/internetsuite/download/ accessed 9 November 2005, 14h20).
I had to read if a few times just to see whether my eyes weren't fooling my brain! Yup, it is true. Can you imagine them trying to enforce this ludicrous statement? I can just picture little plump North American balding men in late middle age with pocket protectors and thick spectacles scanning the IP addresses of every attempted download, zapping every Cuban and Iraqi who tries to download the install file. Heck, I say if an Iraqi or Cuban citizen can afford a Palm after all that America has done to them, they should be rewarded with a free upgrade and unlimited lifetime support!
I am reminded of that saying which was so common on my school playground, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me". Words, nothing but words...
During the darkest days of Apartheid in South Africa we considered it a duty and honour to break the oppressive laws of the Apartheid Regime. We would deliberately dissobey the governments' edict to keep white and black persons separate. We worshiped together, prayed together. I encouraged the members of my congregation not to pay their taxes since their money was keeping fellow Christians enslaved and impoverished. If the law is wrong it cannot, in fact it must not, be obeyed!
If there is anyone from Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, or Syria who needs this software you are welcome to email me. I'll be happy to get a copy to you! Oppressive laws are meant to be broken.
The last time I had to apply for a Visa to get into the US it took about 6 hours, long interviews and answering many questions about things I had said and written... Let's see how long it takes next time I have to go! I know you're watching. I don't mind. Anyone, from anywhere, is welcome to download anything from my site.
(Image from www.fodors.com/wire/archives/welcome.gif)