Spirituality podcast 7 - 4 November 2005 - scast7.mp3 (11MB)

This is a sermon that I preached on Stewardship Sunday at Bryanston Methodist Church last week Sunday. It is that one Sunday of the year that just about every minister I know hates! There is nothing quite so difficult as preaching on money! Strangely enough this sermon has very little do do with money. In fact it has much more to do with a life of true devotion to God. In particular it draws some insight from the Levitical principle of offering God our 'first fruits', that which is best and most precious to us. For some that may be money. However, for very many I think it has to do with making time for God and others, service, humility, true intimacy, depth, true change and a real relationship with God, self and the world.
I hope you find something of value in it. Please do keep the feedback coming! Either post a comment here, or send an email to digitaldion@gmail.com.
I got some positive feedback from the last sermon that I posted here. Thank you for that.
It seems that I am not getting much time to set up my podcasting rig in order to record anything that may be of actual spiritual value or academic interest. However, with the request for more sermons I decided to record this sermon on Sunday evening called "First things first".
PS. Please do forgive the fairly poor sound quality. I have not had a chance to do any post production.
Download the MP3 here scast7.mp3
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