President George W Bush sings U2!

This is one of the best made, and funniest, videos that I have seen in ages!!!
Here goes - President George W Bush sings the U2 song "Sunday, bloody Sunday"
Amazing what you can do with iMovie and other important work waiting to be done! I imagine that this was done by some doctoral student who has a chapter of his / her thesis due in a day or two....
By they way, I watched Michael Moore's new movie "Sicko" last night... Whilst I'm sure we all agree that Mr Moore is not exactly what one would call an unbiased journalist who upholds the sanctity of journalistic integrity (if there is such a lofty ideal in contemporary news), the movie is challenging and thought provoking.
The question I have, is why does one of the world's richest countries make health care so inaccessible? Perhaps Capitalism, and greed, have so run through the America psyche that it is impossible to think about anyone but one's self! I fear that South Africa is only a few years behind... We are no better than the televangelists who make money from the pain and suffering of others if we allow such principles to permeate our society. I certainly see very little of the Kingdom of God present where the needy don't have enough, and the rich have more than they need!
Pray, work, there is a lot to be done. Faith is politics - we can change the world!