How to start a movement (for Christian ministry)

I have been a long time 'fan' of Seth Godin and so enjoyed his book 'Tribes' which discusses how to set up and lead a community of common interest (whether it be an idea, a ministry movement, or some kind of project).
A few days ago my friend Roger Scholtz posted the following video from the TED conference, 'How to start a movement'.
I think it is crucial that persons in ministry understand the importance of social dynamics and how to work within those (and in spite of them) to achieve the aims of Christ's Gospel and the establishment of His Kingdom of grace.
If you have the bandwidth and can watch this video I would love to hear your thoughts (on the video in general, the concepts discussed, and the relationship between this video and the Christian ministry).

'The first follower is what turns a lone nut into a leader' ~ Derek Sivers (how to start a movement).
Movements are critical to Christian ministry. Theologically we can trace this back to the central importance of relationship in God's economy for the world (we are created in the image of God who is a relationship of three persons). Of course the ministry of Jesus illustrates this truth more clearly than any sermon ever could. The carpenter from Nazareth who dies a premature death in the prime of his life starts a movement that transforms all of society from that moment onward.
Watch this short 3 minute video and let me know what you think...
Perhaps one of the great problems with contemporary ministry is that we have too many leaders and not enough 'first followers'.
What do you think?