Liam the great and the mystery of undeserved grace

I have often wondered about the nature of God's grace. I realise that by its very nature grace is something that is a blessing which is not earned or deserved. This is what makes it grace!
However, it becomes particularly puzzling when it moves from the theoretical to experiential.
Yesterday Megan and I took our little miracle boy, Liam, for his session with the occupational therapist. It is always an emotional time for me, and I don't mind admitting that I shed a tear. I did so with a mixture of joy, thankfulness, and also with a little guilt.
You see, when Liam was born he was very ill. He spent three months in the neonatal ICU. We prayed for him day and night. There were many other parents with their children praying in the same ward. Sadly, some of those children died. I often struggled to understand why my son lived and their children did not. Every now and then that nagging feeling returns.
I am so thankful for all that God has blessed us with! I am thankful for knowing Christ and being known by Him. I am thankful for the privelage of loving my family and the immeasurable joy of being loved by them. I am thankful for the challenge and opportunity of my ministry. I am thankful for the city in which I live - Cape Town is surely one of the most beautiful places on earth! I am thankful for my health, for the opportunities I have had to travel, for my formal and informal studies... I have so much to be thankful for!
When I am honest I have to admit that none of these things is deserved! They are all elements of grace.
I found the following quote extremely helpful. It sums up some of understanding of the mystery of God's grace.
I do not at all understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.- Anne Lamott, from her book, Traveling Mercies