How do you cope with stress and pressure? (and remain productive)

Like many others I returned to work early in January after a break over Christmas and the new year. It was great to get back into the swing of things. I love what I do, and I like being engaged in multiple tasks; I even enjoy working with a bit of pressure!
However, 2010 is a massive year for me! First, we have a large stadium prayer gathering in Cape Town (in the new Cape Town stadium on the 22nd of March 2010 - see for more details).
Next, we have an international conference for the Global Day of Prayer from the 17th - 23rd of May at the Cape Town international Convention Centre. I am responsible for handling the programme at this conference, but I also play a central role in most of the other committees for the events. You can see more about this conference at - it is actually two events, a conference from the 18th to the 20th and then a stadium event at the Newlands Rugby stadium with a global television broadcast on the 23rd of May). There is more work to be done for this conference than I have hours in my day!
Next, there is the Lausanne Congress on World evangelization which is taking place here in Cape Town in October this year. I am a member of the arrangements team, as well as serving on the Theological working group, heading up the social media strategy, and I am also one of the officially invited delegates to participate in the congress (there are 50 persons from South Africa who were invited to participate in the congress, so it is a great honour to be among that number. I am fairly certain that I must be among the most junior of the group, and that my practical involvement in the congress is what got me the spot! There are certainly far more gifted theologians and leaders in our context! However, I shall do my best). You can read more about the Lausanne Congress at and follow Lausanne on Facebook and on Twitter.
Together with these big responsibilities I also have two new books coming out in 2010. I had a very tight deadline to write a book on workplace spirituality and faith at work for Struik publishers (this book will be launched at our Global Day of Prayer conference in May - so, the content must be finished in the next week in order for it to be edited, proofed and sent to India or China for printing (I'm not sure where it is printed, but it is in the East, and then it is shipped back to South African in bulk). Please do pray for me! I have been waking VERY early and going to bed VERY late to try and finish the 12 chapters for the book! I need both strength and inspiration to meet the deadline (I have done 7 chapters and have 5 more to go).
The other book that I am working on is a reworking of my doctoral research which Cambridge Scholars Press is publishing entitled 'Why you may not be who you think you are! Adventures in neuroscience, artificial intelligence and theology'. I'm afraid that is on the back, back burner for a little while (until May at least).
Apart from these big projects I have my regular work to contend with. I am a chaplain in a company that has 2000 employees, I am a chaplain to the Global Day of Prayer, serving on the regular working team of various ministries and boards, and then also still doing a bit of teaching and some post-graduate supervision at the University of Pretoria and the University of Stellenbosch where I hold academic posts.
Most importantly I have to take time for my family and my faith, and of course there is my health....
When I consider all of this I do get a little stressed at times!!!
SO, here's the question... What do you do to remain productive and cope with stress? Please not that emphasis on remaining productive while coping with stress. I love my work, and I like to be busy, but I want to find some tools to keep a 'handle' on it.
Here's a little video that explains what I am currently doing.
However, I'd love to hear your wisdom please!