The decline of religion and the rise of spirituality?

In today's VLOG I interview Professor Jan Jans from Tilburg University in the Netherlands. He was at Stellenbosch University to teach our Master of Divinity class and my third year Public Theology class on Secularism, Secularization and the decline of formal religion and the rise of spirituality in Europe. We learnt a lot of interesting things for our own context - you may find the same.
I apologize for my poor framing of the video in the first few minutes! I either need to learn to frame my camera better, or save up to get a camera that has a flip screen to see what my shots look like! It gets better and I am learning!
The books that are mentioned in today's VLOG are:
- Linda Woodhead, 'Religions in the modern world: Traditions and Transformations'
- Diana Butler Bass 'Christianity after religion'
- Charles Taylor 'A secular age' (This is a very important book! I get all my PhD students to read it). You can also read the following great 'introduction' and engagement with 'A secular age', entitled 'How not to be secular' by James K Smith
- Peter Berger 'The Sacred Canopy' and 'The desecularization of the world'
I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
Remember, it's not a lecture, just a thought…
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