Do you want a bigger bonus? Perhaps not! Money and performance.

Would you work harder, and do better work, if you were paid more? I am guessing that most of us would answer 'absolutely'!
However, this great video by Daniel Pink (that deals with the research he did for his book 'Drive') suggests otherwise. In short his research shows that the relationship between monetary reward and performance does applies differently to manual and cognitive tasks. Persons who performed basic manual tasks did better work for higher rewards. However, persons who performed cognitive tasks seemed to perform worse when presented with a financial incentive to do so!
In the video he suggests three alternative rewards that motivate better performance among skilled, technical, cognitive workers.
What do you think? I sure would love to have 'the question of money' taken off the table! If I had the freedom not to worry about money I guess I would be able to concentrate on doing better work. How about you?