Cape Town for Jesus! iKapa lelika Yesu!

I attended the program committee meeting for the Cape Town for Jesus prayer gathering that will be taking place at the new Cape Town (Greenpoint) Soccer stadium on the 22nd of March.
The incredible variety of participants in the program is so exciting! It is going to be an awesome time of diverse worship, many opportunities to focus upon and pray for important issues (among them are the City of Cape Town, the Soccer World cup - there will be 32 soccer teams in attendance!, issues such as human trafficking, racial reconciliation, crime, poverty, HIV/AIDS, ethics and values and a whole host of other important issues).
I had the joy of speaking with uncle Angus Buchan at the Turn2God event in Pretoria on Saturday - he is so excited about speaking at the Cape Town for Jesus prayer event. I also had a chance to speak with Helen Zille and Kenneth Meshoe (who have both indicated that they will be in attendance at the event).
Please could I ask that you publicize this event as widely as you possibly can? Please put it in your Church's notices, get your youth groups, women's and men's groups, your friends, cell groups and family to get their tickets as soon as possible.
Tickets can be purchased from Computicket (either online, or from any Checkers store).
There are only 2 Sundays left before the event, so please don't miss the opportunity to give it some exposure in your notices this Sunday. Gates open at 11am, the worship will start soon after that, and the official program will run from 13.00-16.00.
For more information you can see the Global Day of Prayer, South Africa, website at
Lastly, if you use twitter you can follow the events for Cape Town for Jesus at
Below are a few images from Saturday's Turn2God event at the Union Buildings in Pretoria.
Some of the volunteers
A few of the Christian sports personalities in attendance
Angus Buchan and Helen Zille
Some of the leaders in prayer