Living a more intentional life

Yesterday morning a cycling friend said something that I hear just about every week; "Dion, I need to do something more significant with my life! I'm longing for something that will bring me greater fulfillment. I want to know that I'm making a difference in the world. I'm simply not satisfied working for a salary".
Of course we discussed the reality that everyone has to face some parts of life that are mundane, not glamorous or filled with social recognition and easy access to the peace that comes from being 'on purpose'. However, I did also speak to him about a simple little lesson that I have learnt from Bob Buford's book Half Time.
To find true significance you don't necessarily need to change what you're doing. Rather, you might just need to change how you do what you're doing.
In other words, you don't need to give up your job, or go and live in a monastery, or become a missionary or social activist in order to make a difference and feel that your life and work are worthwhile to society! You might be able to make a huge, tangible, difference right where you are!
I don't know about you, but life gets so busy, I am faced with some many pressures, demands, expectations and simple daily tasks that I often don't get the opportunity to live life on a deeper level. My good intentions simply pass me by and I end up living with a measure of guilt and frustration. Sometimes I need support, sometimes it's understanding, sometimes wisdom, and at other times I need accountability. I have many friends, but very few deep and significant relationships that can offer me these forms of support and challenge. There are very few people, and places, where I can be entirely vulnerable about my challenges, fears, expectations and hopes without worrying that I will be judged, or betrayed. This group of 8 guys has allowed me to live life with greater blessing. We've been meeting for the past year (4 hours, once a month). Watch the video below for more details about the concept, structure and content of our meetings.
Well, I have found that the simple structure of Forum, that myself and friend, Dr Vonnie Mostert (a clinical psychologist), set up has been invaluable. You can read more about the concept here at the Network of Christian Forums website. There are already more than a dozen such groups of women and men across South Africa and the world.
If you're inetersted in more information about the Network, perhaps for yourself, or perhaps as a structure to support Christians in your Church or business then please drop us a line.
The video below was recorded by my friend Steve Johnstone the international coordinator of the Unashamedly Ethical campaign. He uses it as a promotional video for forums in the Unashamedly Ethical community.
I'd love to hear of any other tools or structures that you use to live life with greater meaning and intention.
Lastly, if you're interested in some reading material on living life with greater intention, purpose and blessing, please check out my new book 'Transform your work life: Turn your ordinary day into an extraordinary calling'.